The German federal parliament elections takes place on 23 February. Votes can be cast in advance by postal vote. It only takes 2 minutes to apply for the required documents by email.
Mail your voted ballot before 20 February or drop off your ballot at the election office until Sunday 6pm.
The documents are delivered within few days. Please note that due to the election's short notice, it is crucial to apply for postal election as soon as possible.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
hiermit beantrage ich die Zusendung der Briefwahlunterlagen für die Bundestagswahl 2025. Bitte senden Sie mir, falls möglich, englische Unterlagen zu.
Bitte senden Sie mir die Unterlagen an meine Meldeadresse.
Bitte senden Sie mir die Unterlagen an folgende Adresse:
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
The electoral office requires your full name (as on the ID card), the address of your main residence and your date of birth for verification.
Alternatively, the application can be generated without any information and personal data can be added manually.
Many people don't know how uncomplicated, simple and fast postal voting is. Every vote counts: Share and spread the word about postal voting now!
That's it! The application can now be sent by e-mail to your electoral office. All details should be carefully checked beforehand; incorrect details will delay the processing of the application. Please note that for legal reasons, your application has to be sent in German; however, you may receive English documents by the electoral office.
An open source project by Mehr Demokratie. 2025
Please enter the post code of your registered address first.
Your local citizens' registration office is usually responsible for your postal vote application.
We do not transmit or store any personal data.
Detailed information on data protection: Privacy policy.
An open source project by Mehr Demokratie. 2025
The electoral office requires your full name (as on the ID card), the address of your main residence and your date of birth for verification.
Alternatively, the application can be generated without any information and personal data can be added manually.
An open source project by Mehr Demokratie. 2025
That's it! The application can now be sent by e-mail to your electoral office. All details should be carefully checked beforehand; incorrect details will delay the processing of the application. Please note that for legal reasons, your application has to be sent in German; however, you may receive English documents by the electoral office.
Antrag auf Briefwahlunterlagen
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
hiermit beantrage ich die Zusendung der Briefwahlunterlagen für die Bundestagswahl 2025. Bitte senden Sie mir, falls möglich, englische Unterlagen zu.
Bitte senden Sie mir die Unterlagen an meine Meldeadresse.
Bitte senden Sie mir die Unterlagen an folgende Adresse:
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Please click on one of the buttons to send the final application by e-mail.
The application should have appeared in your email app. You may now send it. Text copied. Now paste into your email app and send to the e-mail address of the electoral office as stated above.Many people don't know how uncomplicated, simple and fast postal voting is. Every vote counts: Share and spread the word about postal voting now!
An open source project by Mehr Demokratie. 2025